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Gregorian chant is a form of plainchant, or monophonic liturgical music, that originated in the Catholic Church during the medieval period. It is named after Pope Gregory I, who is traditionally credited with organizing and codifying the chants around the 6th century. Gregorian chant is sung in Latin and is primarily performed in the context of the Roman Catholic Mass and the Divine Office.

Key Characteristics of Gregorian Chant:

Monophonic Texture: Gregorian chant consists of a single melodic line without any harmonic accompaniment. It is typically performed by a single voice or a group of voices singing in unison.
Modal Scales: The chant melodies are based on medieval modes or scales, which provide a distinctive character to the music.
Free Rhythm: Gregorian chant follows a flexible rhythm known as free rhythm. The melodic phrases are not bound by strict meter but are shaped according to the natural flow of the Latin text.
Syllabic and Melismatic Text Settings: The chant melodies employ both syllabic (one note per syllable) and melismatic (multiple notes per syllable) text settings, depending on the length and significance of the text being sung.
Responsorial and Antiphonal Structure: Gregorian chant often features a call-and-response structure, with a soloist or group singing a phrase (the call) and the congregation or choir responding with a different phrase (the response). This alternation can also occur between different choirs or sections within the choir.
Gregorian chant served as the primary form of music in the Western Christian Church for many centuries. Its melodies were traditionally passed down orally and were notated using a system of neumes, which indicated the general contour of the melody without precise pitch or rhythm notation. Later, in the 9th and 10th centuries, more developed notations were created to provide more specific information about pitch.

Today, Gregorian chant continues to be sung in some Catholic monasteries, religious communities, and traditional liturgical settings. Its serene and contemplative nature has also led to a resurgence in popularity, with recordings and performances appealing to a wider audience beyond religious contexts. The beauty and historical significance of Gregorian chant have made it a valuable part of the Western musical heritage.